Superior Grade
Fat-Tailed Sheep
Meat For Export
Experience the epitome of excellence with our
premium-grade Export Quality Fat-Tailed Sheep Meat

Fat-Tailed Sheep Meat
We also offer premium quality Fat-tailed sheep, which is not just a source of protein but also a source of delicious pieces of meat. Following are the fat-tailed sheep meat cuts that we export globally.
i) Hindquarter:
This animal’s giant fat tail makes the hindquarters a distinctive part. This fat can be used while cooking, grilling, or adding a moister. The hind cut of fat-tailed sheep is also obtained from the hindquarter. However, unlike others, the posterior cut of fat-tailed sheep includes the fat near the tail part of the sheep.
ii) Forequarter:
Like other animals, the forequarter part of fat-tailed sheep consists of front legs and shoulders. However, fat content is also higher in its forequarters part compared to the other sheep breed. This section includes shoulders, ribs, neck, and breast cuts.
Fat-Tailed Sheep Four Cut Piece
Other Meat Products

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